The LEPS final event was hold in Murcia last october 3rd in the University of Murcia Premises. In the first part of the evente several members of the Industry Monitoring Group (IMG) presented several initiatives such as the France Connect .

During the second part of the event, LEPS project members presented their results and recieved feedback from the IMG members wich will be taken into account furing the final deliverable that is addressing future recommendations regarding CEF eID building block adoption by private service providers.


LEPS project final workshop eIDAS

On October 3rd 2018, the final LEPS workshop will take place in Murcia, at the premises of University of Murcia. Leps project results will be presented, together with a number of other related and relevant presentations targetig uptake of eIDAS services in EUrope. Registration is free and can be done y sendin e-mail to one of the organizers:

As dependence on ICT systems increases, any business from any sector faces cyber risks that reach dramatic levels in the case of critical infrastructures with strong impact on society welfare. There is therefore the urgent need to count on highly-skilled, multi-disciplined cybersecurity professionals and here is where our colleagues from Cyberwiser come into play.

Author: Elena Torroglosa

LEPS Consortium is developing a Mobile App which main objective is to offer mobile support for Greek Services to authenticate Spanish citizens, using the eIDAS infrastructure and the Spanish DNIe 3.0, when they access to Greek services. This Mobile ID app is part of the work done in the Activity 3.1. of the project led by University of Murcia (Spain), defined as Mobile Authentication, which will be outlined in the Deliverable 3.1. “Mobile ID app and its integration to results with the Industrial Partners”.

European citizens often face barriers when using online tools and services. In a functional digital single market, there will be fewer barriers and more opportunities: it will enable people and businesses to trade and to innovate freely. They can do so legally, safely, securely and affordably, which in turn will make their lives easier.

However, the insufficient cross-border interoperability of national eIDs prevents citizens and businesses from benefitting fully from the digital single market. This is where eIDAS aims to.

LEPS Newsletter

One month before the final workshop of the project, LEPS is now in its last phase of development. The customization of the postal and financial services from Greece and Spain have been integrated with the eIDAS infrastructure and the consortium is working together in order to obtain great results in the cross-border authentication automated tests.

In this Newsletter you will find the latest news related with the project such as the development of the Mobile ID App, the updates in our blog and much more!

Download it here!

Author: Javier Salazar. Digital Strategy Project Manager

CEF European funded project “Leveraging eID in the Private Sector” (a.k.a. LEPS) envision innovative private services (ATHEX, Correos, ELTA) to integrate with the eIDAS nodes, as a way to make trusted electronic services access available across Europe to any citizen.
