The Public Limited Company Correos y Telégrafos, S.A. was founded on 29 June 2001 pursuant to the provisions of Article 58 of Law 14/2000, of 29 December, on Fiscal, administrative and social order measures.The Council of Ministers resolution of 16 March 2012, approving the public business and state foundation sector Restructuring and Rationalisation Plan, published in HAP Order/583/2012, of 20 March, established a change of ownership of Correos, among other measures, with the subsequent incorporation of all the shares in favour of SEPI. The SEPI Group is the sole shareholder of the Correos Group. SEPI is a holding with a direct and majority participation in 16 public companies, with a total staff of around 73,000 employees in 2014.

Correos, participates in the project, with end-user role as a provider of digital trust services  that  will  be  provided  in  a  cloud-based platform for Correos customers and in compliance with eIDAS Regulation Relative Expertise/Projects/Experience/Initiatives.

Correos will contribute to increase eID uptake and use in private sector, and service sustainability, through the integration with some of its own services such as certified e-Delivery and e-Notifications with cross-border access using CEF eID DSI and the EIDAs core service platform.

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