The main goal of this deliverable “Operational and Technical Documentation of SP (ELTA, ATHEX) customization” is to provide a precise description of the Customization preparation and design of ELTA/Hellenic Post (ELTA) and Athens Stock Exchange Services (ATHEX) during the process of integration of their e-Services with the eIDAS Network.

To this end, a detailed description of the e-Services to integrate is provided first. Generic and specific requirements of the services that will be connected to eIDAS Network are described. An overview of the technical infrastructure (architecture and environment) needed for the customization and the integration with the eIDAS infrastructure is outlined – including the deployment of an API Connector for effective integration with a eIDAS Node that has been mostly developed in this Project. Design details on User Interfaces and the exact integration flow between User, SP,. API Connector(s) and eIDAS Node are finally defined.
The deliverable provides also a detailed list of customization activities and the actual time-plan for customization tasks (almost ended for ATHEX) and proposes a testing framework (test use-cases) to be used during the Integration phase that follows.

As conclusion, the e-Services of ELTA and ATHEX that have been proposed to integrate with the eIDAS Network do now have the maturity to effectively interoperate with the Greek eIDAS Node via LEPS eIDAS API Connectors. These API Connectors simplify and optimize the decision of a Service Provider to join the eIDAS infrastructure. After the final deployment of eIDAS API Connectors and the integration with the Greek eIDAS Node, ELTA and ATHEX premises and e-Services will become active parts of the paneuropean eIDAS infrastructure, offering to their EU customers a real cross-border authentication experience.

WP5. Customization of Greek Post Electronic Services and Integration with eIDAS Infrastructure
Customization of Hellenic Post Services Portal