This deliverable describes in technical detail the functionality and the operation of an intermediary connection facility for the integration of a Service Provider (SP) to eIDAS Network, i.e. an eIDAS API Connector1 that allows SPs to easily and transparently interoperate with an eIDAS Node (this applying to “proxy countries”). Through this API Connector (initially named Interconnection Supporting Service), a SP can formulate authentication requests to be sent to the eIDAS-Node and receive “pre-processed” authentication responses, while investing minimal technical and organizational effort. The API Connector developed in this project re-uses the essential of the functionality of eIDAS Demo SP package (part of the sample eIDAS implementation provided by CEF).
This document describes also the technical details of the deployment of LEPS API Connectors within ATHEX and Hellenic Post (ELTA) IT premises, as requested by the Grant Agreement.

WP5. Customization of Greek Post Electronic Services and Integration with eIDAS Infrastructure
Develop an eIDAS Interconnection Supporting Service